After lunch we decided to go shopping so I could buy Emmie some socks. This was the conversation in our car:
Rhett: "Where are we going?"
mom: "We are going to Fashion Valley."
Rhett: "Oh we're going shopping." (I know it's kind of sad how familiar he is with this place.)
dad: Always having to plan everything out says to me, "what stores do you need to go to?"
mom: Deciding I would rather not shop right next to my husband rushing me along says, "how about if Emersen and I go to the Gap and you and Rhett go to the store you want to go to."
Rhett: "I'm going with daddy and Emmie is going with mommy."
dad: "Rhett, do you want to go with me?"
Rhett: "yes, daddy's fast, mommy's slow."
mom and dad laughing: "yes Rhett that's true."
So I was off for a peaceful time with my baby girl shopping for socks. The trouble with shopping with my husband is even if we're in different stores in the back of my mind I'm thinking he is going to catch up with me and give me the look that says, "I'm ready to go whenever you're ready to go." To my surprise I was finished before he was and went to find him in another store. I found them in the men's department looking at shirts. He wanted my opinon on some before he purchased them. He tried some on while Rhett ran under all of the dressing rooms. I should mention at this point this is the first time in my 8yr marriage I have ever known my husband to try on clothes in the store. He is after all the "fast one." He found the one he wanted to buy and asked me, "is there anything you want to buy for yourself?" Being the smart wife that I am I decided I should take advantage of his offer and his strange mood to keep shopping. This time I was off with Rhett and Rod and Emersen went to another part of the store. Than IT happened.
I was looking at bags with Rhett hiding under the table when all of a sudden he was gone. I was not really worried figuring he was right around the corner. I called his name and looked around but no Rhett to be found. I kept calling his name only slightly panicking knowing this is usual behavior for my mischievous son. After a few minutes realizing this is the longest he has ever been missing in a store my panic started growing. I kept calling his name and got the attention from a few sales associates. After describing my son to them my panic was escalating more and more. They told someone to call LP (loss prevention.) While all the nightmares any mom could imagine were going through my head I saw my husband in the distance. "Rod, Rhett's missing!" I screamed across the store. As Rod came closer pushing Emersen's stroller I noticed he was also holding hands with a certain 3 year old we claim as our own. Not understanding any of my panic Rod says, "oh, he's with me." The four of us left the store waving at all of my new friends who shared in my relief that he was ok.
After that event I was not in the mood to shop much more so Rod and Rhett (I made it very clear Rod was responsible for Rhett for the rest of the day) went to look at some toy trains while I fed Emersen. On the way home I was wishing I had taken better advantage of the time to add to my much needed wardrobe. The trip was not a total loss. I found a big, pink, sassy bow half off for Emersen and gained a new learning not to shop with my 3 yr. old unless he is loaded up on Benadryl and tied down in a stroller. I also decided never again to judge those parents that put leashes on their kids to keep them at bay.

1 comment:
Beautiful bow for beautiful Emmie! Sounds like a heck of a day! Great Post!!!!!
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