I watch Ethan on Monday's and his mom watches Rhett on Weds. I always tell her that it's so easy watching him because it gives Rhett someone to play with and a chance for me to get other things done. Well today got a little hairy.
7:45Ethan arrives and we read a few stories with some juice before Rhett wakes up.
8:00Rhett wakes up and they watch Little Einsteins peacefully. (Obviously neither one is fully awake.)
8:30Rod goes to work leaving me, Emmie, Ethan and Rhett looking like the model family picture
8:45 all the books come down
9:00 all the animals and letters come out
9:05 all the puzzles come out
9:15 all the weeble wobbles and everything on Rhetts train table in his room come off the table and on the floor
9:30 everything comes off Rhetts bed so they can jump on it (for some reason they can't have sheets on a bed to jump on it)
9:45 all balls, cars and any other toy comes out
10:00 having the OCD tendencies that I do I started to go to that not very nice place so I decided to sequester both boys in the dining room to color while I clean up many messes
10:15 while ALL craft supplies are out they decide their done coloring, since I only tackled maybe one mess I decide they both need to go outside for some fresh air, physical activity and sanity for me.
10:30 I hear crying and it's not coming from Emmies room
10:45 Rhett is in time out while I'm drying off Ethan who is soaking wet from head to toe after Rhett had hosed him down outside
10:46 Ethan gets dry clothes on
10:47 Rhett has a little accident in his pants while he is in time out
10:48 Rhett gets dry clothes on
10:49 Rhett: "Ethan, I'm sorry."
Ethan: "I fagive you."
Rhett: "I love you."
Both boys hug with big smiles on their face.
So now that they're the model children I'm thinking maybe they can clean the house, fix themselves lunch, entertain Emersen without her getting hurt, finish the laundry and oh yeah hire a babysitter for themselves so I can escape the madness.
I finally resorted to good ole TV to do the trick. Here is a picture of the hooligans having lunch in my room watching a movie.

After a few sandwiches they decide they need a drink. Ethan starts running fast toward the refridgerator and hits his head on the wooden island. No big deal. After a few seconds of crying and a quick hug he was back to the movie with his drink.
Ethan comes back to the kitchen for some more goldfish when I notice he has jelly in his hair. Rhett had eaten a jelly sandwich for lunch so just when I was about to ask Rhett what jelly was doing in Ethan's hair I notice it's not jelly it's BLOOD.
If you have been reading my blog from the beginning you will remember I have a cautious son. Once he scraped his knee at the park but it did not even warrant a band aid. For me blood on a head is a big deal. Ethan refused to let me wipe his head with a wet cloth but picked up a pillow and wiped his head furiously with it and said, "it's all betta now." After much protest he let me inspect the damage and fortunately it appeared to be just a scratch rather than a open wound that required medical attention.
A few minutes after the blood spotting Rhett and I decided to play Ethan's favorite song, "breakaway" to help him feel better. After watching the boys bust some pretty impressive dance moves I reassured myself he was going to live.

All in all good times between some bosom buddies.

I would like to have seen a picture of the mess! Great Pictures!
I was going to start bringing Cameron over on Mondays, but after reading this blog forget it now. Just Kidding, very cute!
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