Friday, October 27, 2006

A Serious Flounder

I'm sorry to say I have nothing to offer. It's not that I have not made some very decent attempts to entertain whoever is reading (which after this week it will probably be no one at all.)

Last night I typed up a very, very long post with pictures about all of my frustrations with the pre-school madness around here lately. After typing for an hour I hit "publish" and somehow lost everything, every last word. Somewhere out there in cyberspace is ranting and raving about 10 3 yr. olds and cramming too many fall activities with them in two short days. Thank you Lauren for listening to my venting last night. After getting off the phone after 11pm I was not about to start over again.

After getting everything else done that was needed I sat down at the computer tonight with a fresh new outlook. I still had some bitterness from my pre-school escapades so I created another post titled "pre-school overload." This one was even longer and better than the previous nights. However I was not going to make the same mistake twice. Before posting I decided to copy/paste it so I would not lose one word of it. I highlighted all verbage and hit CTRL and C, or maybe I hit CTRL and V because all of a sudden all I could see was "FAM JAM SERVICE ORDER." Hmm this can't be good. Let me preface this by saying I spent a good portion of today working on the computer on FAM JAM stuff. There was a lot of copy/pasting going on and apparently I copied but forgot to paste that last service order. I just stared at the screen in disbelief. I tried furiously to recover my post but to no avail.

So here I am past the point of desperation ready to give up completely on this blog thing. Instead of quitting I will be taking a break for 24 hours. I'm not just taking a break from blogging. I'm going on a strict computer fast for 24 hours. No email, no blogs, no fam jam preparations (at least not on the computer.) I've abused the benefits of having a computer and now it is time for me to pay. In reality I think if I were to type up another post and lose it I might lose control so this is my feeble attempts of staying sane.

Maybe someday I might post my thoughts on pre-school again but I doubt it. For some reason I don't think they're supposed to be read. I do have a suggestion to put out there. If you love your computer and spend great amounts of time on it you might not want to organize an event with the theme being "patience." I think God wants to make sure I'm learning a thing or two in this area while I plan this thing.


Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! I never thought about the FAM JAM Patience theme. That's kind of funny that you've lost two large posts in 2 days. Call me when you wake up. I have some input for you! Lauren Faiai

Kara said...

Heather did warn me one time never to pray for patience because the Lord would push it beyond belief. It kind of scared me:) Hang in there!