I on the other hand am not tech savvy. The fact that I've kept this blog this long is nothing short of a miracle. Not because of lack of things to write but just from me giving up in frustration of foreign words like Html and bloglines. Fortunately I have this friend to walk this journey with me. After a few incidents she is starting to not only be my tech savy friend but also my "bail me out when I'm in trouble with my husband" friend. Let me explain.
A few months ago while shopping together as a family I misplaced my cell phone. While we were pulling out of the parking lot I had this sneaking suspision that my phone was missing. I couldn't find it in the car so my husband called it and we heard it ringing so we figured it was in there somewhere. He called it again while we were sitting in traffic and I heard it ringing again but still could not find it. I decided to wait until later to look through the car for it. After lunch I looked through out the entire car but no phone in sight. This time when my husband called it we couldn't hear it at all. He kept calling and I kept looking. We finally decided I had left it on top of the car and when we called it earlier we heard it ring because it was still on top of the car but as we continued to drive it fell off.
Let me also add this would be the 5th cell phone I had lost since I married Rod. In addition to that the week prior he had just told me I should not get in the habit of putting my phone on the roof because I might lose it. We decided to drive back to where we were when we heard the phone ring and look on the street to see if maybe we could see where it fell off. I should also say we were in one of those contracts where we could not afford to lose a phone. Can you feel the tension in our car driving back to look for it. I know this would be a cool story if we found it but we didn't. We did drive for awhile looking foolish with our heads sticking out the windows. The memory is still very vivid in Rhett's mind. To this day he still asks me why I left the phone on the roof and it fell in the street. Let me just say the drive home had more tension than the drive to look for it now that all hope was lost. Don't worry there is a happy ending. I think it was the next day at work my husband learns from my friend that she had an extra phone she was not using that we could use. Thanks L for saving the day.
Fast forward a few months to this morning. Rhett and I were talking about something while I was on the computer. All of a sudden a bottle of water tipped over and spilled on my computer table. I moved the keyboard quickly and Rhett grabbed a towel to help clean up. I think my yelling "RHETT GRAB A TOWEL NOW!!!" may have encouraged that behavior. We dried it up and everything seemed fine. Later on while this same friend had my son at the park with her son I decided to do some blogging. I didn't make it past the first word because for some very strange reason my space bar would not work. I tried everything I could but to no avail. It's too bad having a second child seemed to affect the portion of my brain that handles memory. No matter how long I worked on it the water bottle incident never came to mind. At least my tech savvy friend was coming to drop off Rhett soon, I knew she could fix it.
After she tried a few things the space bar still was not working. Being the computer competent shark that she is somehow she knew to turn the keyboard over in which water started pouring out. All of a sudden the light bulb went off. It all makes sense now. My friend tried to dry it out but since it was soaking in water most of the day it was going to take longer than 5 minutes. Being the incompetent computer one that I am I thought this meant my whole system was in trouble and my husband will have to fork out the money to replace yet another expensive technical piece of property due to my negligence. Instead of facing that I decided not to tell him about it right away.
Now I'm about to share with you why I love this friend and why you would love her to if you were there. Knowing my computer would not be working right away anditwouldmeanmyblogswouldlooklikethis and knowing I didn't want Rod to find out she left my house to go get a keyboard for me to replace mine. She didn't even ask what the big deal was since it's only replacing a keyboard. When she came back my husband was in the garage when she pulled up. She got out of the car and walked right past him sneaking the keyboard in without him knowing. (Actually he did know since I told him while she was gone. I was feeling kind of guilty about the secret thing. His reaction was "oh, that's not a big deal we just need to get a keyboard." Why do I waste my energy getting worked up about these things.) Anyways my friend hooked up the new keyboard and VOILA here I am typing away. Supposedly it's older and not as good as my other one but I like it better. It's got this great built in wrist guard and overall the clicking just sounds more fun as I type. Thanks L for saving another day. Thanks L's mom and dad too for the snazzy keyboard.
I'm sure I will be in another tech fiasco sometime soon. I know who to call. If you need some technical support especially incognito style I advise you to get to know her.
Here is a picture of her son playing with Rhett last night in the bath. Just to prove her savvines I took this picture with a digital camera and downloaded it through Picasa because I still can't figure out how to use the images in Blogger. If you check her site you will see pictures of these two cuties as well on her post but they were taken on her cell phone. I'm not even going to try to figure out how she got them from her cell phone to her blog post.

You are hysterical!! Keep writing, so I can keep smiling! I appreciate you!!
Shannon :)
I just read this again and it made me laugh. That was a pretty funny day. I love you a ton! I also love how you make me sound sooo tech savvy when really...well...let's just say common sense plays a big part in fixing most of your dilemmas. You're just so busy with so many other way more important things that there is absolutely NO WAY you should bother with petty things like fixing your keyboard!! You know my number! And if you forget it, you can always just scroll down in your contacts and find my picture!!!
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