Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Park Trip With a Twist

We've been going to the park every Tuesday since Rhett was born. It gives Rhett a chance to play with his friends and be outside and it gives me a chance to talk to my friends and be outside. Usually we stay from about 11-2 and have a picnic lunch. I think Lauren posted a picture awhile back of the park crew.

This past Tuesday we debated not going due to the cloudy weather and light rain. My friend and I decided to bring warm clothes and go anyways. It turned out to be a perfect day for the park. It was not too cold and not too hot, just right. Some of my ususal park friends were not there but I did get to spend some time with some new friends that I have met through my park friends. Ande even made an appearance which thrilled Rhett and Emersen. One of the reasons why we leave at 2 is because my friend has to leave to pick up her daughter from school. That and 3 hrs. is generally a long enough period of time to be outside swinging, sliding and throwing sand. However this time we actually stayed longer because I ended up watching my friends kids while she was at a parent teacher conference.

It was one of those days where you just want time to stop so you can relax, enjoy the moment and not think about all the things you should be doing instead of sitting at the park doing nothing. The kids were playing well together coming up with one imaginary game after another. Emmie seemed content going from eating to sleeping to eating to sleeping. I enjoyed actually having a conversation with my friend without time limits or little ones constantly interrupting. When I first looked at my cell phone it was 3, then 4, then 5. Realizing it was going to start getting dark soon we decided to call it a day.

We were packing up our cars making plans to go to Starbucks for an early evening drink and trying to conspire how we could pick up some take out on the way home. Why ruin a perfectly great day by having to cook. Emmie was getting a little fussy so I let her hold my keys while we walked from the park to the car. As I buckled her in her seat she still had my keys. I buckled Rhett in his seat and shut the car doors. My friend and I talked a few more minutes about sharing a coupon for pizza and then it was time to hit the road. Now enter one of my biggest parental faux pas known since having children three years ago. When I went to open my car door it was locked. Yep my kids were locked in my car. Emersen who was still chewing on my keys (a problem all it's own) must have bit down on the lock button. All windows were up and there was no getting in.

I stared in the window and Emmie was already crying at this point. While my friend called AAA I tried to persuade my son to take off his harnass and seatbelt and unlock the door. He just sat there staring at me like I was crazy. Then he decided to take his gum out of his mouth and play with it while his mom was having a nervous breakdown outside of the car. AAA acted very concerned and said I should just break the window if the children are that upset. Unless seeing how far gum will stretch between your hands is a sign of being realy scared I figured I was ok for a few more minutes. My ever so happy with me husband was on his way with a spare key as well as AAA and the CHP. It was just waiting to see who would arrive first. I was hoping it would be the CHP. That way my friends kids could have some excitement since they were just sitting patiently waiting in their unlocked car while we worked on this dillema. I also thought if the CHP could beat Rod there I could at least take the gum out of Rhett's mouth. There was no escaping locking our kids in the car but he didn't have to know I also gave our son gum which is usually forbidden.

Rod ended up being the first one there and didn't even notice the gum. By this point both kids were asleep and neighbors from down the street who also go to our church had joined the watch. We made it home safe and sound. We still ended up having pizza for dinner and Rod was pretty gracious in sparing me the "don't lock our kids in the car lecture". All in all even with a significant blunder it was a pretty darn good day.


Anonymous said...

And to think that I missed all that excitement!! That's it-no more missing park day for Jake and I! I'm glad that all is well and everyone is ok. :)

Kara said...

I am upset I missed out too! Bummer!We should invest in a Slim Jim since that is a big fear of mine.

Desha said...

Geez, I didn't know about the key thing. Maybe Rhett should invest in early driver's ed.

Anonymous said...

I think it's so funny that Rhett fell asleep!! That could be a new naptime routine!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's so funny that Rhett fell asleep!! That could be a new naptime routine!!

Becky said...

Wow Tera! That's crazy! I was at Fashion Valley and helped calm a mom down whose son was locked in the car with the keys. He just kept pushing buttons and popped the hatch in the back so she crawled through. At least you're not alone!