FAM JAM: It's this coming Sunday night and either everything is coming together really well or I'm in denial because I feel no stress whatsoever. I'm sure it's the calm before the storm.
Shopping: Went shopping today with five kids seven and under. (There was another adult with me.) Highlights of the trip would be Rhett requesting a drink out of the drinking fountain about twenty times, Ethan thinking the floors in Macy's was an actual ice skating rink because they were brand new, white and very slippery, trying on pretty Christmas clothes like we actually had the money to buy them.
My mom: She really made Lauren and I laugh last night with her giddy, triumphant, delirious dance. That song "Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places" comes to mind.
Halloween candy: I was concerned Rhett would be eating candy for days after Halloween. I never thought I might be the one to be concerned about. There's just something so good about that round piece of chocolate with peanut butter in it.
TV: I'm having withdrawls. I've been too tired or busy to watch anything and I feel like I'm missing out on some great entertainment. I'm hoping I can at least stay up late enough for Studio 60 tonight.
Halloween candy: I actually just ate a piece while typing this. I feel the urge for a diet coming on. Desha- no more yummy baked treats for the Kaya's. Although maybe I'll have one small slice of your lemon cake while I watch Studio 60. Hmmm whatever happened to my running plan?????
Voting: I'm not one of those people that love to vote. It's really a pain in the butt for me to drag my kids to the polls and go through the different proposistions unprepared sometimes guessing yes or no. I think I'm doing more harm than good. However, I will like I do every year because there are a few of them that I have a strong opinion about. I won't share them with you since this is probably not the best platform for my political views.
Weather: I'm kind of bitter about it. Not the fact that Thanksgiving is a few weeks away and it's in the 90's but more that I have to wake up early enough to shave my legs tomorrow so we can go swimming instead of our usual park trip.
Money: Isn't it ok to want more so I can spend it on other people.
Here is a quote I heard last night at New Format that cracked me up. I'm not sure who to give credit to maybe it was Josh: referring to Lindsay Lohan's little sister making a Christmas CD titled "Happy Birthday Jesus, Have Some Crap."
I couldn't resist. Here are a few more photos of my kiddos dressed up in their Halloween costumes.

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