Monday, January 29, 2007

Mother of the Year.....

Ummm no but closer than yesterday. I'm not sure my point in writing this other than I feel like I fall short in being a mom 364 days a year so on this rare occasion that I feel good about my role I feel the need to document it.

Everyone woke up this morning in good spirits (a miracle in itself) and enjoyed a nice, healthy bowl of oatmeal. I took my kids to the zoo and let them linger as much as they wanted not rushing them once. I take that back. There was a moment in the handicap stall in the restroom when Emersen was in the bjorn and Rhett and Ethan were leisurly taking their time to undress, pee, take turns flushing the toilet 5 times when only 1 time was needed and getting dressed again. Judge me if you want but had I not rushed them out of there they could have both walked away with something much worse than the common cold. After everyone except Emmie had lots of exercise and stopping by our favorite yogurt shop we went home to play. We had more oatmeal as a snack and then Rhett and I made brownies together. We sat down as a family at a reasonable hour, prayed together and ate a well balanced meal. Rhett and Emmie had a homemade dessert (brownies) and then took a bubble bath together. Rod and Rhett watched one episode of Dragon Tales and read a story while I put Emersen to bed at 7:15 pm. Rhett was asleep by 8:15pm.


In case there is still someone thinking there was no point in me writing this I'll post this picture.

This picture has absolutely no connection to any part of my day today. However it is proof that my kids are happy, loved and pretty cute. Isn't that enough merit for mother of the year?


Lauren Faiai said...

Sounds like a VERY productive day! I can't see Rhett's face very well in this picture, but I know FOR SURE that your sweet baby girl is one of the most photogenic kids I've ever seen!MADE FOR THE CAMERA FOR SURE!

Becky said...

I'll vote for you with a day like that! And your kids are beautiful. I'm sure every mom at the zoo was thinking you're awesome for handling 3 little ones so well.

Steve Faiai said...

Hey T,

First of all, you and i made a deal that i was the only one who could call you "T" so could you please tell my wife not to call you that anymore. Thanks. About the post, I'd vote for you in a heart beat, as a matter of fact I'd vote for all of you park ladies. You gals are special and have a way with kids that us dad's dont.

Cool post!

Kara said...

T, (just kidding-Steve)
There is no doubt those kids have very loving parents. And the zoo with 3 under 4 is beyond "mother of the year".

Anonymous said...


I am so proud of you for the amazing job that you do!
