Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Weekly Goals

Shannon reminded me at choir practice tonight that I have not posted on my weekly goals yet. That would probably be because it's much nicer to post on goals when you have met them rather than my situation of barely even touching them.

The shoe closet is currently a disaster but believe it or not its been worse. At least all of my shoes are in the closet rather than strewn all over my room and house. I have learned that basically I have about three or four pair that I interchange regularly depending on my outfit. As long as these shoes are toward the front and I can find their pair within 2 mins. I can function with the rest of the disorganization.

I have started reading the Secret and I'm about half way through. I'm also reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and Vital Friends by Tom Rath. I have this problem with starting too many books at once and not finishing anything. I actually started Velvet Elvis before the Secret the day I posted my weekly goals last week. I brought the Secret to Vegas thinking I could really plow through it if in no other time at least the 5 hour car ride. Turns out my husband and I actually enjoy conversing with eachother. After losing some interest in it I picked up Vital Friends and started to read a chapter in hopes some of my blogging friends will join me.

If you're still reading this and have not fallen asleep yet, let me just say I know why I have not met my goal in finishing the Secret. Although I think there are some great principles in it that I could really learn from I get tripped up on too many statements like this one, "this wonderful story demonstrates how your whole life and everything in it has been created by You." The book basically states what you think about is what you will get whether positive or negative. I can see the logic in this and truly believe if I think more positively my life would be more blessed. However the book goes on to suggest that one can have whatever they want in this universe if they just think it into happening. I'm not so sure about that one. I'm not so sure my life would be very rosy if I had EVERYTHING I wanted. Some of the biggest blessings in my life are things I didn't even know I wanted. Rather than thinking I have complete control of my life I take more comfort in knowing God is in control and has a plan for my life.

Having said all of that I do intend to finish the book. Just like other things I have to sift through it to see what might help me and what I can do without. Interestingly this church is teaching on the Secret over the next two weeks. I've been to this church before and I really like it. Maybe there is a road trip in my near future.


Lauren Faiai said...

I've been really intrigued by the idea of "the secret" lately. I haven't read the book, so I'm glad you posted about it. Seems like a lot to filter through!

Can you take a picture of your shoe closet? This will give us a better idea of where you are with your weekly goal.

berrytribe said...

I hope you didn't feel pressured to post. I think it struck a cord as I too make goals and don't usually complete them. I was hopeful to see someone else with their own goals. Thanks for your transparency!