Friday, April 20, 2007


Rhett walks into the room drinking out of one of the new sippy cups we bought at Costco yesterday.

R: "Mom, I made some Ovaltine"

Mom: "Ok, did you put the lid on?"

R: "No, but Emmie has it so she can do that."

M: "WHAT???" Running into the kitchen.........


Desha said...

So so so brilliant.

Lauren Faiai said...

This is AWESOME, Tara. Love it.

berrytribe said...

All of us mommies have a had a moment like this at sometime. But, they are just funnier when it's in someone else's house. Thanks for the smile! :)

Becky said...

I think it's safe to say your daughter will go to any lengths for some food/treats. Good thing you captured this moment!

Sarah said...

That is classic!!! :)