I think that was the first moment that sealed the special bond Rod and Rhett share. I remember when Rhett was only a few weeks old Rod would carry him around the house on a pillow. I've never seen my husband be more scared and strong at the same time as when my son endured open heart surgery. When Rod gave Rhett over to the nurses to take him into the operating room he bawled like a baby himself.
When I found out I was having a boy I was very happy, just not as happy as Rod. My only grief in the news was realizing I would have to pass up the cute girls clothes and buy boys clothes which are cute in their own right but not the same. So far Rhett is still young enough that I can play pretty well with him. I have no problem digging in the dirt for roly polies or building houses out of legos and blocks. I love reading to him and answering his endless questions about the world. The other night while I heard Rod and Rhett doing some kind of karate move together I thought for the first time there might come a day when I don't understand this boy thing. I'm so glad I have a husband that not only understands boys but delights in playing ball, watching ball on tv, playing sword fights and being quick enough to know the perfect answer to little boy questions.
When Rhett was young Rod could not have asked our family more times, "isn't he the cutest baby you've ever seen?" As Rhett grew older Rod could not tell enough people how smart he thinks his son is. I'm confident that Rhett will never have a bigger fan than his dad. I've read about how little boys emulate their dads and by my son's actions Rod will probably never have a bigger fan than his son. Without fail Rhett's favorite food is Rod's favorite food. His favorite color is Rod's favorite color. His favorite sports team, I'll give you one guess......Duke Basketball and New York Yankees. He refuses to wear a basball hat unless one of those two teams are represented on it. Even when there is strife between them it's usually because they're so much alike in their strong wills and personality. They are indeed two peas in a pod.
Not only does Rhett emulate Rods preferences but he also mimics his behavior. It's easy for Rhett to say "I love you" because he has heard his dad say it to him several times a day. Rhett is usually quick to say thank you because Rod has ingrained it in his head how important manners are. Prayer is second nature to Rhett because his dad has always prayed with him at every meal, every car ride, every night going to bed and then some. Just recently after watching his dad have a quiet time with Jesus everyday for the past four years Rhett has decided he needs to start having a quiet time too. He sits with Rod in the office and reads his bible while Rod reads his own and journals. What could be a better legacy to pass on to your children then to show them how utterly dependent one needs to be on God to make it in this world.
One of the reasons I have this blog is because I'm horrible at scrapbooking. Rather than organize pictures and memories in an album I look at this blog as a way for my kids to look back and read of treasured moments together with some pictures added in. If my husband ever starts a blog it would be for an entirely different purpose. However when Rhett (and Emmie) is old enough he will have a drawer full of letters, post cards and notes to read that have accumulated over time from his dad. Since Rhett was born Rod has been writing him letters about lifes learnings. Whenever he goes out of town he sends Rhett and now Emmie too a card writing where he is at and what he is learning from his trip. Right before Emersen was born Rod wrote Rhett a long letter about how his love for him could never be replaced and how to be a great older brother. Someday when Rhett is old enough to understand he will have a written legacy that he can keep with him the rest of his life.
Happy late Fathers Day Rod. Thank you for being the most intentional, loving dad to our two biggest blessings. I will be forever grateful that they get to call you dad.
Tara, This might be my favorite post of yours EVER!
I've always sensed such a sweet bond between Rhett and Rod, and now even between Rod and Emersen!
Your babies are very blessed to have such a great daddy (and mommy)!
Me Too!!! I got a little teary eyed actually...
Precious stuff, my friend. :)
I love it when you do posts like this one because it helps us know Rod so much better. Thank you for sharing.
So sweet and meaningful. Thanks for celebrating the amazing qualities of your husband and his fatherhood. Sometimes it can be easy to get stuck in the "rut" of life together that we (ok, I) can lose sight of all the wonderful things about these guys. I'd agree it is wonderful to watch the men we love be "dad".
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