Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Muppets Gone Bad

So a week ago my mom took Rhett to see Sesame Street Live. He loved the show but was confused afterwards when my mom said, "I wonder where Kermit and Miss Piggy were?" I cleared the air by enlightening my mom that she was confusing her furry, fuzzy, fictional characters and they were from the Muppets not Sesame Street. After learning there was a show out in the world with fuzzy, furry, fictional characters that Rhett had not seen yet he immediately asked if we could rent the movie soon so he could watch it. A few days later we checked out two muppet movies at the library and he has been watching them ever since.

Last week at the beach Kara suprised Rhett with a birthday present even though she was unable to come to his party since she is a GIRL and all and her only children old enough right now to enjoy a birthday party are GIRLS. If you know Rhett well you would know this is a perfect present for him.

please excuse the dirty table

I pictured hours of fun sucking up rolly polly's in the backyard. The first day we tried it we had immediate success. Two rolly polly's curled up in the vaccumn. Then came the dillema. Where do we put them. I told Rhett we could either put them back in the ground or he could do his usual bucket of dirt thing and watch the blazing sun slowly burn out the poor little fellas to their iminent death . And then I had this brilliant idea that now looking back I'm not sure was so brilliant. How about if we buy the habitat that goes along with the bug vacumn so we have a place to put the bugs he catches. We looked on line and it was affordable and pretty. We went to Target that night to purchase one since it's been a few weeks since his birthday and we still have not bought him anything so I was feeling a little guilty. To our surprise at the store the habitats were a little different from the ones on line. They were the new and improved 2 in 1 habitats. These habitats had a 2 to 4 inch plastic container in them to hold water in case we wanted to catch some small little froggies.

The next day when we opened it to begin building a home for all the rolly pollies and spiders Rhett was going to catch we thought it would be so much more fun if we filled the water parts with water. After looking at the empty water I asked Rhett if he wanted to get a little tadpole for the habitat that would later turn into a little frog. Of coarse he thought this was the greatest idea. I've seen tadpoles before in ponds, they're about the size of a needle. Seemed innocent enough. So later on during lunch Rhett told Ande and Nana about our plans to go buy a tadpole at the pet store after lunch. I had two dollars in my wallet which I thought would have more than covered it. I was even debating getting two of them in case one did not make it.
After lunch Rhett, Emmie, Nana, Ande and myself head to the aquarium to pick up our tadpole. The man shows me the tank in the store where they're at. My first glance at them and I thought they seemed on the large side but what do I know about tadpoles. This is where I really wish I could go back in time and hit myself and say, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" The man tells us there Bullfrog tadpoles. Now to those of you who actually know something about amphibians know where this story is going. I of coarse was clueless with the only knowledge of Bullfrog being the sunblock. I just thought ok whatever just another tadpole. As we were walking to the cashier I ask Rhett what he is going to name his tadpole soon to be frog? He says, "Kermit." Well that makes sense. After buying Kermit which by the way two dollars hardly covered him and food so I had to borrow money from my sister to buy a tadole I asked the clerk how big the frog will become. This is where our sweet, happy story becomes my nightmare. Since I can't show you with my hands like he did please click here to see our sweet Kermit anywhere from one month to 14 months from now.

On the way home Rhett tells me while he is a tadpole his name will be "Kermit the Greatest Tad" and after he becomes a frog his name will be "Kermit the Greatest Frog." He also asked me if he could do everything with Kermit and if Kermit could become part of our family. Meanwhile I'm trying to devise a plan in my head how to get rid of this thing. Kermit is now trying to swim in his teeny tiny 2-4 inch plastic case of water while watching the Muppets with Rhett. Something tells me when this is all said and done I'll never think of the Muppets the same again.

Here is a picture of Kermit swimming in his new habitat. That is here is a picture of of 3 inch tadpole swimming in about 3 inches of water soon to become a 8 inch frog swimming in 3 inches of water. If you know of anyone who would like a very large frog someday and might have a "normal, tiny" tadpole to trade for it please, please I beg you please help a mommy out. We just don't do large frogs around here.


Becky said...

Tara, that's awesome! The Phillipsons don't do pets, sorry! BTW-I agree with you about our summers being mixed up, but I guess we are well balanced

Kara said...

I bought Ella the vacuum and habitat for her b-day next week. Do you want us to get a bullfrog too so you won't be alone? We aren't great on the survival of pets though so I doubt ours would make it very long.

Lauren Faiai said...

I can see it now... the signs on the 4 way stop sign "LOST BULLFROG - REWARD!"

TK said...

Kara- Yes I think you need to get a Bullfrog tadpole. It could be a nice bonus b-day present for Ella. Misery loves company!!

berrytribe said...

I'll pass on the frog. But I LOVE that someone else is experiencing boyhood to the fullest with me!!