Monday, September 03, 2007

Highs and Lows

update Weds. 7pm- Since this last post was written Emmie pooped in the tub once again and had quite a show at Target today....good thing the toy dept. was near the bathroom and I had plenty of wipes on hand. After returning home Rhett told me his stomach was hurting. I picked him up to give him a consoling hug and he threw up all over both of us. Oh well, at least he will hopefully get this out of his system before he starts school next Thurs. where catching new germs will be a weekly occurence. We will look forward to that.

Yesterday was one of those days. All day long I kept thinking of the depressing, complaining post I was going to write to vent to the blog world all of my misery yesterday. However this morning in a devotional I read the author always asks the reader to review the past day and our feelings, the highs and the lows. I usually reflect for a few minutes and move on. Today after doing this I realized that not only did I have some lows yesterday I also had some highs. I decided to write them down and post about that instead.

The Lows:
1. Rhett has a cough and a mild stomach thing going on
2. Emmie has a major stomach thing going on and needs a diaper changed every hour
3. I have something going on which includes nausea (no I'm not pregnant), fatigue (have not slept much in the past few nights), headache
4. Just as I was finally sitting down to have a quiet moment in front of a fan with a diet coke while the kids were in the tub Rhett screams, "MOM, Emmie pooped in the tub!" Maybe I should have known better than to put my stomach flu child in the tub. Regardless cleaning poop in the tub is one of my top five hardest things about motherhood.
5. Our house is being invaded by ants. Even as I type this I just caught one on my arm. Last night when I finally got to lay my very weary, pounding head down to rest I found scores of them traveling along the wall behind our bed. This morning they were traveling all along our sliding glass door. I HATE THEM.
6. And the one thing that makes all of the above that much worse....the HEAT. Enough Said.

The Highs
1. Yesterday morning having a great conversation with our friend from Chicago about parenting. He was giving me some really good tools on how I can be pro-active with my kids while they're home in helping them learn something in a fun way instead of just plopping them in front of the television.
2. Watching the kids play outside with the hose (after the bathtub incident)
3. Having dinner with my family last night at Macaroni Grill to celebrate my sister's birthday. If you get a chance pop over to her blog and wish her Happy Birthday for me.
4. Having a long chat with my mom last night so she could fill my husband in on her new beau.
5. The biggest high for me yesterday was after sleeping in different beds around my moms house the past few nights was laying in my own, comfy, fabulous bed with my husband next to me. There is no place like home, ants and all.


Sarah said...

I know what you mean.. I think this heat is making everyone crazy!! :)

Here's a tip... take a really cold shower, and then sit in front of a fan... it is poor people's air conditioning. :)

Lauren Faiai said...

Sounds like some full days for the Kaya's. Clue me in on the parenting tools...sounds interesting! I love listing highs and lows! We do it for our small group... very helpful!

Kara said...

Okay reading these last few posts I realize that we need to be doing more hanging out. I miss you! Can we plan a get together?

Becky said...

I'm so sorry! I hope your week gets better, and hopefully includes some rest for you. Garrett has his first day of school tomorrow and he's very distressed Rhett won't be there.