Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday's Five Fall Favorites

1. I know I've mentioned these before however I must express my appreciation for this product again. Whenever I reach that point in my day where I'm on the edge of insanity for some reason vacumning with this takes the edge off. I know that's a silly statement and mock me all you want but when things smell good life is better. I prefer the rainshower scent. I also love to use these on days like today when it's cooler out and I'm in the mood for fall and fresh baked apple pies. The apple cinnamon is my favorite and makes my whole kitchen smell like something yummy is baking in the oven.

2. Since I only have a candle burning and not the real thing baking in the oven this is another one of my favorite things today. I plan on picking up a French Apple one later this afternoon so Rod and I can enjoy a hot piece with some vanilla ice cream while watching the Office after the kids go to bed.

3. Trader Joes. For some reason I have not been in awhile but was reaquainted with my long lost friend yesterday. They were sampling Pomagranate Green Tea and I have to share with the internet world how good it was. I bought a container and raced home to enjoy a tall glass of it on ice. Green tea has lots of antioxidants in it and pomegranates are good for your heart so it's a win win. Put down whatever it is that your doing and go buy some. Another item that consequently I didn't see in the store but when scrolling down looking at their new items on line looked interesting was their ready made lunch bags. I would not spend 3.49 regularly for something I could do myself much cheaper but I will have to try one of these out for Rhett in the near future.

4. I saw this book in Target last week and immediately started getting excited about the holidays. I'm pretty pathetic in coming up with dinner ideas for our regular week night meals so one could imagine how desperate I would be in actually preparing something for a holiday celebration. This book is on my wish list in case anyone is looking for birthday ideas for me. I can say that since my mom and my sister and sometimes my husband read this blog. I would also like this and this. Thank you.

5. Speaking of holidays a few weeks back while Rod and I were out shopping we picked this up for Emmie to wear on Halloween. Rhett will be wearing this one and I can't wait to see how cute they look. If you're looking for a costume for a wee little one check out Old Navy. The selection might not be very great this far into the month but the prices are really good.

There you have it. Have a good weekend!


Lauren Faiai said...

This post made me even MORE happy that Fall is finally here!!! Praise the Lord. What could be better than eating pie and ice cream, watching the Office...all while the kids are sleeping?! I'm sure THAT'S a glimpse of heaven!! Sweet.

berrytribe said...

Love the list and great ideas! I'm gonna go find me some Pomegranite Tea!! :) For the record-I love fall too. The fall decor is up at the Berry's casa.