It's been quite a party around here lately. Koko, Grandpa and Auntie Itsuko just left yesterday back to Hawaii after staying with us for the past twelve days. We started off our time together with the tradition of coffee and Brueggers Bagels. Actually the tradition is coffee and Krispy Creme donuts but since the one nearby closed down we had to make some adjustments. The only other tradition we have is having lunch at Olive Garden to drink peach ice tea on the way to the airport. That one will not be altered no matter what.
We also managed to fit in shopping at the outlet stores by the border, a trip to Julien, a trip to the Wild Animal Park, a play in Coronado, more shopping at Viejas outlet stores, gambling at Barona, several trips to our favorite fabulous restaurants, Emersen being dedicated at church with lunch afterwards at my moms house, of coarse more shopping at Fashion Valley, a trip to Mission Bay to look for a specific tree we never found, picking tangerines and making juice, making oragami ornaments for the tree, watching eight episodes of Alias and to top it off one mean game of Sequence. The last event I'm choosing to block out of my memory since Rod and his mom beat Auntie and I like twelve games to one. I'm not a good loser especially to my husband.
Funny how the last paragraph was almost one sentence. Just another thing to prove I don't blog because of my good writing skills. With the exception of telling them to go home towards the end of their trip Rhett had a blast running around with everyone. Rod's aunt is so patient with him and never seems to tire from playing with him. Another highlight of the trip was the fact that this was the first time Rod's dad got to meet Emersen. Everytime he looked at her she would smile back at him. He started calling her "personality girl."
I'm so glad they make an effort to come here as often as they do. My mom lives about ten minutes away and see's Rhett and Emmie at least once a week if not more. Rhett thinks my mom is pretty much the greatest thing on the planet and has had a pretty cool bond with her since day one. I know he would never forget about her. However because of the distance he doesn't get to see his other grandparents hardly at all. So because of trips like these that build great memories it helps Rhett make the connection more when we talk about Koko and Grandpa and Auntie.
Now their gone back home leaving about 50 wrapped presents under the tree, 50 sample bottles of Vemma (don't ask this needs a post all on it's own) and much more than 50.00 in a envelope on Rod's desk. Ever since they first started coming Rod's aunt always leaves money for us hidden somewhere in the house. She says it's because she saves so much from not staying at a hotel so she likes to give it to us. I guarantee you after the three of them buy almost all our meals out, grocery trips, and pretty much whatever Rhett wants along with the "envelope money" staying at a hotel would be a bargain for them.
Although we will miss them there is a bright side to things getting back to normal. Rhett can sleep in his own bed again in his own room at a more decent hour. Emersen can start taking her long naps in her crip again as opposed to in the car going from here to there. The house although maybe duller is cleaner which means mommy isn't losing her mind. So yes the party is over but the mundane around here is always a party in some form.
Now that Christmas is twelve days away I still have some shopping to do, lots of wrapping to do, some parties to attend, some cards to mail and most importantly some reconnecting with a very close friend that keeps it all in perspective for me.
Hopefully not as much time will pass before I write again. I won't promise anything since this party girl can only do so much. Here are some pictures of time spent with family. In case you're wondering the last one is Koko, auntie and Rhett standing outside one of our favorite food establishments, Chic-Fil-a. The sunset was bright orange and beautiful but I could not quite capture it very well on camera.

Nice Post, Tara! I'm glad things are sorting their way back to normal! You indeed have a SWEET family!
Cute pictures, Tara. Missed you at the park. See you soon, Beck
I know the "party is over" blogging over too?
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