Our holiday started off celebrating at Journey for three services on Christmas Eve. I guess it wasn't really a holiday yet for Rod considering it's his job so he was still working and working very hard I might add. I have to say I was very proud at the outcome of all the planning that went into the services this year. Although I'm married to and friends with many of the people that had a critical role I purposely tried to stay in the dark during the planning process so I could be surprised and just take in the service as an attender. I loved the lights, singing, dancing and pretty much every aspect of it. What I enjoyed watching the most was the servant hearts of all that were involved. It was evident that these people wanted to give their best offering to their King. What a blessing to witness. I was trying my best to help my friend who was involved by watching her three kids in addition to my two before and during the services. Let's just say that added some extra spice to the day.
Later that evening after church we went over to the Denisons to exchange gifts and partake in smoked salmon and red velvet Happy Birthday Jesus cake. The kids were supposed to have a slumber party in the bedroom watching Scrooge and falling asleep. Emersen had no problem collapsing in the porta crib by 7:45pm. Rhett on the other hand fell asleep around 10:30pm which little did I know was starting a trend for the days ahead.
My mom and sister stayed over on Christmas Eve so they could be there in the morning with us to open gifts. Santa (aka Nana) was as usual very generous this year. Some of the favorites included the boots that I've wanted from Banana Republic and some kind of electronic game device for Rod. I'm not sure the name of it but it seems to be a big hit since he has played it every night since Christmas. Rhett has only opened half of his presents but loves his horses that Ande gave him, his Diego numbers game and a new animal book that he asked Santa for every night for two weeks up to Christmas. Emersen in all her girliness loves her new doll. She even looks like Emmie. I wonder if the doll manufacturer tried to make a doll with half Asian blood for little girls like my own. She also loves her pink, Disney princess bike. In case you're wondering no, she cannot ride a bike yet and yes it's one of those toddler ride on things not a real bike. Look at the picture below. There's enough toys on that thing to keep her occupied for a few months without her actually getting on the thing.

Our pastor graciously had given the staff the week after Christmas off as paid leave. I was so grateful for this because the weeks before Christmas Rod was working pretty hard so our family time was seriously lacking. It's been so nice to just hang together and take a break from our normal busy routine. We didn't plan any major outings although we did attempt the zoo one day. Apparently everyone else and their mother in San Diego had the same plan. After circling the parking lot for the tenth time we told Rhett instead of going to see the animals we could go to Horton Plaza and buy an animal. Surprisingly this suited him just fine. Maybe he understands how the latter experience would last much longer since he could actually take it home. Besides the zoo we managed to watch an entire season of 24 along with two movies, The World Trade Center and the Break Up. We also watched the Cars movie three times and played the Diego counting game five or six times. If you're thinking all we do is watch TV you're probably right. I did manage to read a book as well which is a pretty darn good accomplishment in a home with two small children.
Last night for New Years Eve we went over to our friends home for a party. One of the highlights for me was learning a friend might be joining our blog community soon. If you're reading this you know who you are. Since I have a pretty bad post Christmas stress cold and we didn't really have a babysitter for the entire night we only stayed until 10:30 pm or so. Sounds like from Steve we missed out on some great dancing and Karaoke. On the way home we thought it would be nice to be there for my mom so she wouldn't have to ring in the new year alone. When we got home she apparently seemed rather content ringing in the new year with Jack Bauer. I guess it's a family thing.
So here I am first official day of 2007. Rod made his famous beans that we have been snacking on all day while the kids play and he watches football. I'm surrounded by a mess of toys, a few left out Christmas decorations and dirty dishes from lunch. If you know me very well you would know this is a huge sacrifice for me to be blogging rather than cleaning up my house. Either 2007 will be a year where I'm more mature and balanced or just living in a messier house. Whatever it may be I'm ready for it. Last year seemed like a blink to me. This year I have no resolutions. I do have a strong desire to grow in my understanding of God and his greatness.
In the words of Cameron Faiai, thank you and Merry Christmas. May this year be full of cool blogs to read and many blessings to savor.

I'd say your 2006 was pretty eventful! I'm really glad that a majority of my 2006 was spent with you and the rest of our "park" community!
Thanks for the post. I really don't know how you can go without blogging for so long, especially with a cool family like yours. Welcome back!
Yeah Tara! Great post. I love the way you do links to things and so glad to hear that you got those boots...
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