Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Counting my Blessings

I know this is the flu season but c'mon now. Between the four of us there has been someone sick in our household nonstop since September. Currently it's myself and Emersen. Poor little lady has had a terrible cold for the past week or two and I have a cough that is finally starting to diminsh just in time for the stomach flu to settle in. My mom has had a pretty bad stomach virus the past few days and I'm starting to feel some symptoms. I refuse to succumb to what my mom is currently battling. I experienced that on Thanksgiving and I could barely stand eight hours much less seventy two hours. Right now I'm going to try and think myself out of it. I WILL NOT GET THE STOMACH FLU, I WILL NOT GET THE STOMACH FLU, I WILL NOT GET THE STOMACH FLU.

So in an attempt to stay positive in the midst of my families germfest I thought I would take a few moments to count my blessings especially since I have a really big one to start off with.

1. We had Rhett's annual appointment with his cardioligist this morning. He had an echo-cardiogram back in November and this was the follow up appointment to let us know how things look. Last year they told us that although his valve is leaking he could continue that way not ever needing another surgery OR his right ventricle could start dilating and he would need his valve replaced. So every year at this time I dread the test and appointment in fear that their going to tell us his valve is leaking more or even worse starting to dilate. The past week or two I have been pretty anxious about this appt. just waiting to get it over with. Well good news. His valve is still leaking but not more than last year and minimal for the typical patient who has his condition and had open heart surgery. The right ventricle has not started to dilate, and his heart sounded good. He still has murmurs but he always will. The doctor said the same thing pretty much that if he stays this course he may never need another surgery or worse case if his right ventricle starts dilating the valve will have to be replaced. Even with the surgery it was good news because he told us in Europe there already doing that surgery by laser rather than open heart so if Rhett ever needed it down the road we could probably go that route. This blessing is so huge I cannot even begin to describe the magnitude of it.

2. We had new windows put in our house yesterday. Our home looks so much better now on the outside and is so much warmer and cozier on the inside. I love driving up to my house now and checking them out. Maybe I'll even post some pictures soon.

3. TV, macaroni and cheese and Ed Noble. I know this is a strange combination but let me explain. In the past five hours I have been picking up toys and crying children incessantly while feeling like crap. Thankfully Ed initiated the pastors to fast for the new year. I probably should be thankful that I have a husband that engages in these spiritual practices but right now I'm most thankful I don't have to make dinner. I don't really count leftover macaroni and cheese that just gets zapped in the microwave as cooking. After I'm done blogging I plan on sitting in front of the TV and hopefully doing nothing. I really don't even care what I watch, the more mindless the better. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

4. San Diego weather. Usually at this time of year I really want some cold weather so I can wear sweaters and light up our fireplace. Strangely though I have enjoyed the warmer degrees. I actually sat in our backyard a few days ago for the sole purpose of soaking up some natural vitamin D. What's even greater is I hear it's supposed to start getting cold again. Where else can you go for a little bit of sunshine one day and a blanket and hot chocolate the next.

5. My license, credit cards, medical record cards and car windows. Yes Steve and Lauren this one is for you. My close friends who have already been through some major stuff in the past week just had their car window shattered today and probably even worse her purse stolen. I feel so bad for them right now. To say that they really did not need this right now is a bit of an understatement so please pray for them. If you're having a hard time finding something to be thankful for just look in your wallet.


Anonymous said...

I love this reminder to count my blessings! You're right we do have a ton to be thankful for! I'm really happy Rhett's appointment went well, and now you can sleep tonight!!

Anonymous said...

You will NOT get the stomach flu! I agree, lots to be thankful for. I have been enjoying the weather especially, it's nice to run outside and not lose my fingers to frostbite.