Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Emersen's Trifecta

We just got back from the doctor. Emmie has the stomach flu, an ear infection and a diaper rash.

She's on antibiotics so hopefully we're on the road to recovery.

Oh by the way guess what a side affect of her medicine is.....yep you guessed it the big doo doo. Good because we needed some more of that around here.

On a funny note while in the pharmacy waiting for the medicine I was talking on the phone and Emmie was crying non-stop. It didn't phase me much but apparently by the stares from the other customers we were a bit disturbing. Instead of waiting the usual twenty minutes after about eight minutes of her screaming one of the workers personally walked up to me and said, "Mrs. Kaya your prescription is ready you can pick it up right now at that window." My name never even came up on the screen. The moral of this story is if you need to pick up a prescription and you're in a hurry just bring a screaming child along with you.


Lauren Faiai said...

And still gorgeous as ever.

Becky said...

Emmie is such the model.
Last time I went to the pharmacy Garrett threw up on me and I didn't get such personalized service. Hmmm...you have Kaiser, too, right??