In the past few days I've been working on weaning Emersen from the whole nursing thing. She has been a trooper and still as delightful as ever but I know it's taking its toll. When it was time to wean Rhett it was no big deal because around 11 or 12 months he just lost interest. Emmie on the other hand is such a cuddle bug that I think if she had her way she would carry on until 2 or 3 or kindergarten.
So here it is,
5. I don't have to worry about getting mastitis therefore I don't have to walk around with hot wash cloths on my right boob. I also will not miss the fever, chills, body aches and 30$ co-pay to the doctor in addition to 15$ co-pay for antibiotics.
4. I don't have to think twice about having a babysitter at anytime of the day or night. Rod and I already have movie plans tomorrow night and it took me 1/2 of a second to agree to go.
3. I'm not planning on getting drunk anytime soon but at least I could if I wanted to. Whether it be anesthesia so I can have my wisdom teeth pulled or a margarita, after 9 months of pregnancy and 11 months of nursing it's so nice to have my body back!
2. Las Vegas celebrating Steve's birthday with close friends, no children for 3 days. Enough said!
1. Just another reminder how much I love this girl. This may sound lika a contradiction but one of the reasons I'm glad to stop nursing is that I'm going to miss it. I'm noticing a trend with my second child as opposed to my first one. With Rhett every development or milestone was long awaited and celebrated no looking back. With Emersen each one is so bittersweet. While waking up at 2 am, 4 am or 6 am to nurse her I seldom gazed down at her and thought about how much I love this child and I love these special moments I have with her. What I did think about was getting it over with as soon as possible so I could go back to my warm bed to sleep for a few more hours before she wakes me up again. However now that these moments are almost over I can appreciate them for what they are and realize although sleep deprived they go by so fast and in my case probably never to return.
Oh and one more to add without assigning a number because a top 6 list just does not sound as good.
Since I pride myself on my ability to lift up my shirt and discreetly stick her on them I tend to not hold back when and where I choose to nurse. So lastly I'm glad I will not have to endure anymore stares from shoppers at the mall, ushers at church or young children coming up to me asking questions and wanting to touch.
I'll have to you close this chapter of your are DEFINITELY the most talented nursing mom that I know. You could practically nurse that girl with your eyes closed and hands tied behind your back! AMAZING!
Gosh-After reading this post, I ALMOST miss nursing my own 3 boys. MMM, not that much. I remember the bittersweet feelings, espcially w/Jake being the last. I rememebr thinking a chapter of my mommy book is closing. So Special. Excited for your new freedom, though!!
I don't know if I can live up to your 12 months. We will see what happens.
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