My mind cannot think of anything very interesting to share with you other than the recent happenings of my 14 month old. For the past few weeks I've noticed my daughter is really turning into quite the climber. Now those of you with your own children may not be impressed with her new abilities however keep in mind my only previous experience with a 1 year old was almost 3 years ago and he was not a climber. He still does not prefer the activity very much and only after deep thought weighing all of the pros and cons. We are at the stage now where there is NO SAFE place for her to be. If there is something to climb on she will find it and probably soon fall off of it.
One day after noticing she had strutted out of the room (E does not walk she struts) I went to look for her. She still has this thing for splashing her hands in the toilet water so I went to the bathroom to make sure the door was shut. My fear was confirmed when I saw the open door and heard a little someone inside. To my surprise she was not playing in the toilet but doing this instead.

Thats R step stool we use to brush his teeth. When I found her she was facing the mirror with the his toothbrush in her mouth. She stopped here to pose for the camera. Since taking this picture she has already fallen off of this stool twice.
We bought E a Disney toddler bike for Christmas. She loves getting on it and pushing the buttons but has not figured out how to move it forward with her legs. She sits there and acts really frustrated like she knows there has got to be more to this thing than this. I think she has decided the whole sitting thing is overrated because now all she wants to do is stand on the thing. Today she pushed it over to this table so she could climb up and play with the candle.

I know you're thinking I'm exaggerating on the climbing thing. What's the big deal about standing on her bike or a step stool? I would tend to agree if it were not for her daily climb on to the kitchen counter top. No matter what is up there she decides at least 5 times a day she has to have it and climbs up via R arts and crafts table. The funny thing is she never does this when I'm watching. I'm so proud to say she has my sneaky DNA in her.

As nerve wracking as all of this is I can't help but enjoy it at the same time. This girl has a quirky charm to her. Every morning without fail while I'm trying to have a quiet time she struts into the room to disrupt my thoughts. My first reaction is "for crying out loud can I just have one moment to myself PLEASE." But within seconds of watching her I cannot help but laugh at whatever comical thing she is doing or expression on her face. She actually serves as a great relief to whatever may be heavy on my heart in that moment. I'm noticing a trend in my journaling of thanking God for my spunky interruption.
In case I look like a mom who plays favorites here I thought I would include a picuture of my handsome hooligan as well. We made cupcakes tonight to bring to pre-school tomorrow for his birthday. His birthday is not until the 17th but this is the last week of school so he gets to celebrate with his class early. His job was putting the sprinkles on.

While I was watching R decorate the cupcakes in the dining room little did I know the little rascal was busy in the kitchen with the second batch.

Feel free to double click on this picture and look at Ms. Tippytoes. One thing I forgot to mention about E that she enjoys doing even more than climbing......


Pure sweetness!!
AWESOME! I know this is one you've had in the bag for a while! So glad you posted. Your daughter is one of the most precious creations on the planet...I'm absolutely convinced of that!! Great Post T.
Hey T,
Great Post. Your kids are soo adorable. Thanks for giving us a peek into the Kaya home.
Wonderful post, sis. Your picture commentary is really funny.
(and I want copies of all those pictures!)
Aren't they little rascals!! :) It is hard to be mad at such a sweet face. :)
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