Friday, June 01, 2007

My Trip To Palm Springs as Becky P. Would Tell It

Throwing up all night and feeling like I'm going to die and then driving for two hours with those feelings- $1,000,000

Baby throwing up all over car seat and clothes while we're out in the middle of nowhere- $500,000

A very tired, grumpy three year old throwing a fit not wanting to go to pre-school this morning-

Trying to muster the energy to unpack, do laundry, clean out car and grocery shop-

Seeing the looks on our kids faces as they ran freely through our hotel suite and played in the pool for the umpteenth time when they should have been in bed- PRICELESS


Sarah said...

I am sorry you are sick!! Do you need anything?? :)

PS... I changed my blogspot address so your link won't work anymore.. sorry! I didn't like that name anymore. :)

Kara said...

I am so sorry you are sick. Didn't you all just have the flu? Are you feeling any better?

Lauren Faiai said...

Bummer about the puking! You're kids really did seem to have a great time in Palm Springs! I'm glad you guys were able to have some family time together!

Becky said...

I thought the expressions on Emmie's and Rhett's faces were priceless. So adorable, they really looked like they had 100% fun in the water the WHOLE time. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling good. It's harder to be a mommy when you're not.

Sarah said...

I changed my name to

Sorry, I thought I sent you an email!! :(