Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What Time Is It?

For some reason Rod set my alarm clock 30 minutes fast. He sets all of his clocks fast for reasons I don't understand and honestly drives me crazy especially when I have to drive his car. He knows I don't practice or condone such behavior so Why, Why would he do such a thing? When I called "the time lady at 853-****" to get the correct time to reset my clock the message said effective September 19, 2007 they had discontinued this service. Why? Why? Why? I have relied on the time lady for as long as I could tell time. This is a very sad, major loss.


Desha said...

I know what you mean.

I called the time lady a couple of weeks ago only to find that she was no longer there and I felt like part of my childhood was gone. Dramatic, I know, but it was very sad.

Kristy said...

Tara if you go to channel 99 on basic cable they have the time there. I hope this will lift your spirits.

Becky said...

I, too, was shocked about this sad loss. Since I was young I remember calling the time lady 853-1212. There have been times where I was soooo lonely I actually called and stayed on for like an entire minute.

Sarah said...

Me too... I didn't know it had been discontinued!! Bummer!

Becky... if you ever get that lonely.. please! call me. :) We can sing Amy Grant songs together.