Monday, October 29, 2007


Thanks to Sarah I just finished reading Amy Grant's new book, Mosaic and simply put I loved it. I was pleasantly surprised that this book was not compiled like a traditional autobiograghy. Rather than writing one's life story in chronological order from birth to present day this book is divided by individual vignettes of her life in random order, interwoven with lyrics from many of her songs as well as new songs never before published. I enjoyed how unpredictable each story was and captivated from the very beginning when I finished the first story crying my eyes out.

She writes about her experiences in life with family, traditions, special places, friends, music, love, loss and even depression. As I read the book I felt like I was sitting down with a friend having a heartwarming conversation. She was just doing all the talking. Her writing is casual, honest and thought provoking.

After reading the book knowing I had to write a review on it I kept asking myself what it was that I liked so much about Amy Grant. She has great hair, drinks coffee and loves farms and beautiful countryside. This would be enough for me yet there was clearly something much deeper about her. This book gave me a beautiful picture of a women, songwriter, artist, mother, daughter, sister whose faith in God permeates everything she does. She seems to have a keen sence of what's important in life coupled with a gentle spirit and amazing gift of communication to share with others. She has infused a desire in me to search out my own mosaic and if not write it out at least live it out.

If you are looking to be inspired by someone with a real, active faith lived out in a messy yet wonderful world read this book. You will not be dissapointed.

Pop over to these blogs to read their review on the book as well.
Sarah at
Kristi at
Kristy at


Kristi said...

I am so glad we got to do this! Thanks for your review, also. It is always interesting to read different perspectives.

Sarah said...

I think I felt the same way as you when I read this--Amy seems so nice, like someone I'd want to be good friends with. Her book made me cry several times, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it.

Thank you for doing this review with me! :)