Yesterday Rhett has his annual echo-cardiogram to track his heart condition. He was scheduled to see his cardioligist on Monday so he could be checked out and we could get the results from his test. Today Dr. Levy (his cardioligist that we love) called to tell us his heart looks great. He still has some leaking from one of his valves but the repair that was done when he was a baby looks good and his heart function is great. He asked me how he was doing and I said "other than being small for his age you would never know he has a weak heart." The doctor replied and said, "well he does not have a weak heart." He even told us we don't have to see him on Monday because he is so satisfied with the test results so we don't have to go in for another 6 months or even a year.
It's news like this that puts everything in perspective for me. Lately I have been hung up with my daily grind and struggles but NOTHING matters when I get news like this.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord for your amazing grace.
So happy to hear the good news. I can't imagine the stress you go through for those appointments! Love you, K
YAHOO!! Praise God for that precious little boy!!!
Great GREAT News!! God is so stinking amazing!
That's awesome, so happy for you guys. What a gift.
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