So the nice gals at Pampers offered me some free diapers if I would review them on my blog. Those of you who are moms of little tikes know that some things are a constant need month after month. I would say along with Trader Joes mac n cheese, apple juice, Target brand baby wash and a few unmentionables diapers seems to be one thing we cannot live without. Unfortunately they also seem to cost more than any of the above. So I was very elated when someone offered me some for free.
To be honest I also wanted to try these because I've never used Pampers or even tried them with either one of my children. We trade off between Huggies and Kirkland or if we can't make it to Costco we just buy the Target brand.
Because of my daughters size I tried out the Pampers Cruisers. They have four different stages to choose from depending on your childs needs. At first I was dissapointed in the absorbancy factor and almost decided to give up on them but soon discovered by comparing it to my regular brand it was not the diaper at all but more that my daughter is addicted to juice and drinks way more than the average in a given day. I later found out these diapers are just as absorbant as my trusted favorites and decided to keep testing them.
Pampers seem to be known as revolutionizing the diaper category by introducing Baby Stages of Development. It's also a fact that Pampers are used by 85% of hospitals in the US. While getting ready to write this review I also learned that even celebrity Jack Black uses Pampers products for his son Samuel Jackson. Although these facts may be true, they won't convince me to buy Pampers. After using this product I discovered three things I liked most about it and thus three reasons why I will use this product again in the future.
1. They have a colorful design of Elmo on the front. This may seem inconsequential but it's actually just the opposite. My toddler is in the delightful stage right now of acting like the world is out to get her and temper tantrums are at a record breaking high. Even the simple act of changing her diaper could quickly turn into a war zone. When push comes to shove I will buy products that make my kids happy which makes me happy and kudos to Pampers for going above and beyond to make these pleasing to the kid eye.
2. That same delightful toddler of mine also likes to eat. I may be dealing with a lot of attitude but at least she sits at the table and cleans her plate. Because of this skill she has a growing tummy that needs a diaper that stretches along with her. I really like the side tabs on these diapers and the elastic built in them to stretch around her. It was something that I didn't even know I needed until I started using them. Now that I'm using up my old diapers I miss those elastic tabs.
3. I've also been using Pampers Swipers Clean 'n Go Wipes. I LOVE these. They smell so fresh and clean that I would use them for the scent alone. But not only do these smell good they're also hypoallergenic, tear free and containing pure water. These are great to clean dirty bottoms but also dirty faces and hands which is much needed since Emmie insists on eating every meal by herself.
I really don't know what the cost difference is between Pampers and our old brand since I just finished using our freebies but I will soon find out. I will be buying these soon and I encourage moms out there who are looking for products to help them through the trenches of motherhood to pick some up.
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