Sunday, January 20, 2008


Last night but more strongly this morning I joined the world of migraine sufferers. I started feeling pain in my left eye last night and took a few aspirin to hopefully relieve it. It never really went away but I figured it would be gone in the morning. Well this morning I awoke with the same pain x's 5 along with chills and nausea. I layed on the couch watching my four year old take care of my one year old which included apple juice and cereal all over the kitchen floor and debated not going to church. Twenty minutes later sitting in the bathroom with my head over the toilet I decided church was definitely out of the picture along with any plan I had for the day that involved light or moving. My fabulous, wonderful sister came to my rescue to feed and entertain my kids until my husband made it home. She also gave me a couple migraine pills that worked wonders for me. I stayed in bed in the dark with several blankets from 10 am to 3 pm. Fortunately when I did eventually get up I felt worlds better and even had the energy to clean the kitchen and give the kids a bath. Twenty four hours later I feel like I'm back to the land of the living with just a slight pain on the left side of my head. Our pastor has been dealing with this almost daily for several years now. How he endures such a thing I don't know but I will pray for him now with a deeper compassion.


Sarah said...

Oh... I hate to hear of yet another migraine sufferer like me!! I know what you went through... if there is an emergency, you can always call me too!

Praying for ya!

Lauren Faiai said...

Oh man...what a bummer. I hope you never feel like that again. I can't imagine trying to deal with the kids while you were feeling so sick. That's way cool that your sis was able to help out for a while! I hope you're feeling better today!

Becky said...

I'm so sorry Tara! I'm glad you are feeling a little better. I agree that the upside of those things we go through is compassion. I know what you mean.