Friday, May 09, 2008

If Mama Aint Happy.....

Why does it have to be so hard? This parenting thing is more challenging than anything I've yet to experience so far in life. Yes it's wonderful and rewarding and probably the best expression of love one human can experience yada, yada, yada. But right now I'm experiencing the other side. My two year old is tugging on my jacket screaming "I want JUICE!!" Why when she just had juice an hour ago. My soon to be five year old was just dropped off at pre-school but not without a fight this morning about anything and everything. Yesterday we had our weekly date at Starbucks. We go every Thurs. morning while Emmie and dad stay home and watch cartoons. I imagined myself writing a post today about a peaceful, loving mother son bonding moment over coffee, hot cocoa and a game of checkers. Instead checkers lasted about 10 seconds because Rhett got upset that I would not let him jump my man out of turn. After that he spilled hot cocoa on his clothes and than we had a discussion about how he will not take swim lessons if he has to go under water. Today the house is a mess, the kids are crabby and I'm crabbier. I'm sure things will look better soon but not until about five loads of laundry are done.

1 comment:

Lauren Faiai said...

I hear ya, woman! I about shipped my kids out of the country a few days ago. (I HAVE shipped one ACROSS country..LoL!!)

It's only a matter of time and new perspective before they'll melt your heart again and you'll realize God couldn't have given you a more special gift than the love shared between you and your babies!!!

I'll bet your perspective has already changed by now!!

If not... get out of the house and make a GROWN UP Starbucks run!!