Monday, May 12, 2008

A New Perspective

I just thought I would let all five of you that read this blog know that I love my children again. Of coarse I never actually stopped loving them but it's always nice to feel the love that's in your heart.

It might have been the great Mother's Day service at church I sat through, it might have been the day of shopping yesterday without my children thanks to my husbands generosity, or perhaps it was the miracle of miracles that Emmie slept in her own bed the past two nights in a row. I really think it was all of these things combined.

For the past weekend everywhere I turned I was reminded of the Mother's Day holiday. Last night I finished a book that reminded me of how fleeting life can be. I want to spend the rest of my time on this earth enjoying my children. To think that being a mom is so special that the world sets a day apart to celebrate it makes me think that I must have something pretty cool going on to be a part of that. Since I was a little girl I always wanted to be a mom. I truly feel blessed that being one is a part of God's plan for my life. I love that God made my kids and chose me to be his vessel to love them. Today I'm delighting in who they are, their idiosyncrasies, their cuteness and even their occasional temper tantrums.

And then after lunch I will come back and read this to remind myself of these thoughts because just as life is fleeting so are my warm fuzzy feelings.


Sarah said...

Ok.. so my first post didn't go through...

I said...

Ummm, you have 9 subscribers, so you are more popular than you think! And..

I know exactly how you feel. Ed's message was just what I needed to hear yesterday.


You are a great mom!!

Lauren Faiai said...

I love those moments of new perspective! Please post pictures of Rhett and Emmie soon! We miss you guys!

Maybe I'm Amazed said...

Well said. I share many of your feelings on motherhood, and I really like your blog!

Chip Gillespie said...

Boy do we know the feeling of joy when the little one sleeps in their own bed all night. My Kassie has been doing much better over the past couple of weeks, which means Mom & Dad are getting a good night's rest as well