Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Better Than a Sensa Update

If you don't have much time to read this post read the last paragraph first. Free stuff :)

So I've been meaning to post an update on our SENSA weight loss adventure however a few things have held me up. One being my sister is having such a busy, crazy week we cannot even find time to chat long enough for me to hear how she is doing with all this SENSA stuff. I know it's pathetic but life is busy at times (like always for me) and we just roll with it and talk when we can. So after playing phone tag with her several times I've given up on her update for a few days. As for myself I have nothing to report other than failure so I'm holding out hopefully getting better news from Desha.

Now on to something brighter and better related to our fabulous, miracle spice. Remember when I mentioned the before and after contest my sis and I were entering therefore the reason for our lovely pictures....well Amanda has just shared with me that they are opening up the contest to anyone interested. If you're interested click here. Let me tell you how much we would love for you to join our SENSA club. Maybe if we had a few more members my success rate would be a tad higher. We have until Feb. to post our after pictures which should give us more than enough time to cheat on each upcoming holiday and get back in the game to end with a victory.

And for those of you who would like to try it but can't afford it I've saved the best news for last. My new wonderful SENSA friends have given me a 1 month supply to give away to one of you for FREE!! All you have to do is leave a comment and tell me if you want it. If more than one person wants it I'll do some random number generator thing. So if you're interested speak up. We can start spicing things up SENSA style together.


Becky said...

I want it Tara! I am so curious about what Sensa can do for me. Or, what I can do for Sensa?

Lasting Impressions said...

Don't call your setback a failure! Small steps lead to a great journey. Although Sensa really sounded good, it was too costly, so I am trying something else. We can support each other in this quest to be healthier!